Welcome to Scientots!

Month: <span>February 2020</span>


It’s Polar Bear Day!

Have fun and reduce plastic waste! Find out more on our website. Organised by Polar Bear International (polarbearsinternational.org), Polar Bear Day aims to raise awareness of the effects of climate change and plastic pollution in the oceans, specifically how they affect the polar bears.  At Scientots, we try to be as environmentally friendly as possible […]



Sprinkle some science into your pancake day

  Before making your pancakes tonight, try this little trick to keep the kids entertained. Removing the tray allows the egg to fall directly downwards due to GRAVITY (rather than following the tray side-wards). If you’re looking to make the PERFECT PANCAKE, following this BBC link for some top science tips! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z764cqt



No rain; just rainbows

Scientots at Westfield House have been learning all about rainbows this week. As well as making their own fizzy rainbows, they have learnt about density by building a rainbow in a jar.
