Tag: <span>science fun</span>
Check out these great World Ocean Day activities from Twinkl! There’s loads for your little Scientots to have a go at, whether they’re pre-school or Primary aged. Click the link below.. Twinkl World Ocean Day Acitivites
ReadThis clip shows you how to make perfect slime!! You will need some PVA glue, some bicarbonate of soda and contact lens solution (the clip tells you which one to use). You can also add food colouring and glitter! NB. This is not edible slime and please make sure hands are washed after making and […]
ReadSomething a little different to try at the weekend! Why not try and launch your own rocket?! All you need is a hosepipe and a plastic bottle. Make sure everyone stands behind the rocket when launching it! Have fun! For more fun Scientots experiments, subscribe to our blog at www.scientots.co.uk For the Rocket experiment clip, click […]